Acupuncture helps your body to balance the flow of the “vital force” or chi.
This sets the stage for the body to maintain its health and vitality to better protect against illnesses. Acupuncture also assists the body to heal and repair itself.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Extending back thousands of years, Chinese Herbal Medicine offers a rich heritage and history in healthcare and healing. Rather than simply suppressing symptoms, it offers a root-level treatment of the actual cause of illness.
Esalen ® Massage
Esalen ® Massage, with its long integrating strokes and slow deep work with specific attention to detail, provides a nurturing revitalizing experience, leaving the receiver in a relaxed state of well-being.
Acupuncture + Massage
Massage and acupuncture can be combined in the same visit in order to maximize the beneficial effects of each of the treatments. The results are better than the sum of the two parts: 1 + 1 = 3.
Workshops / Training
Daniela teaches beginning through advanced massage classes in the U.S. at the Esalen ® Institute (Big Sur, California), as well as Europe and Asia.
Specialized Esalen ® Massage and Bodywork February 1st – 12th at Mimpi Resort—Menjangan, Bali www.MovingVentures.org
I have been enjoying Daniela’s outstanding massages for five years. Since I began acupuncture treatments with her last year, my back pain has diminished dramatically. Her expertise has convinced me that massage plus accupuncture is the perfect path to wellness.
Robert Dvorak, Monterey, California